Now I could just copy a great slab of complicated legal language about data protection here. But I believe in plain speaking, so I am putting here in plain English how and why I collect and store information about my clients. And also what legal rights clients have regarding that information.

Obviously I need information about clients in order to help them! I tailor my therapy to each individual client, so I need to know details of their problems, needs, and goals. I store this information securely and it is only available to me.
As in all health professions, in hypnotherapy I may sometimes need to discuss cases with one or more other therapists. This helps us to get a fresh view on the client’s problems. We call these discussions “supervision.” In my case, being a very experienced practitioner, my “supervisor” is not “in charge” of my work. He is a colleague of equal standing. During these discussions I do not reveal any details that could identify the client as an individual, so that confidentiality is maintained. My supervisor is Dr John Campbell-Beattie PhD.
If a client requests, I will write to their GP or to any other official person or office, and give the client a copy of the letter. Under certain circumstances I will insist on the client consulting their GP or other doctor before I commence therapy. This would happen if I suspected that the client had an illness requiring medical treatment or assessment.
The Limits of Confidentiality
Sometimes the prevention of harm is more important than data protection. There are circumstances in which I would need to breach confidentiality and reveal information to a third party. These circumstances are as follows.
If the client disclosed that they intended committing a serious criminal offence.
If they intended or had committed any offences against children.
Other than that I do not record in writing any details of criminal offences that clients might have committed in the past.
If the client disclosed a serious and immediate plan to commit suicide or to do some other irreparable damage to themselves. In these cases I would assume that by telling me the client was hoping I would stop them.
If the client disclosed that they had been sexually abused by some person still living, and that person could still sexually abuse children or vulnerable adults. For instance, if they were now baby-sitting your nieces or nephews. For the protection of those vulnerable persons I would need you to disclose your own experience to the caregivers of any persons who are now in danger.
What happens to your records?
Insurers are concerned with data protection, and they advise that therapy professionals should retain client records for seven years after the end of therapy. In the case of children, we keep records for seven years after they turn eighteen. After that I can securely destroy the records.
Many of my clients have been stigmatised because of things that health professionals have said and written about them. So data protection requires ensuring that the data is accurate and not prejudiced. For this reason clients can see the records that I keep about them. They can request that I add a note if they disagree with anything. Or they may wish to add anything to what I’ve written.
Your Family and Friends
Relatives and friends of previous clients often come to me for therapy, because their friends or relatives have recommended me. However I will not tell them anything about the person I’ve seen previously.
Clients may have specific wishes about how they prefer me to communicate with them. For instance if they don’t want me to phone them at home. In this case the client needs to inform me of their wishes. You should consider this carefully if, for instance, you are having therapy without the knowledge of your partner.
In the case of persons aged under eighteen, I require their parent or guardian to come to see me with the client to consent to this in person. After that meeting we can can discuss whether the parent or guardian still needs to be present on any subsequent visits. If the child or their parent or guardian wishes them to be present then I am always agreeable to that.
In all cases my policy on data protection is in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.
More about how I work here.