My kind of hypnotherapy is a joint effort between me and my client. Like any competent hypnotherapist I will be helping you to help yourself. You will NOT be sitting back doing nothing while the hypnotherapist “fixes” your problem. Successful therapy ALWAYS requires active participation by the client both in session and outside. My approach will be designed for your individual needs. Dr Milton Erickson, the greatest hypnotherapist of the 20th Century, taught that every client is different and therefore every client needs an individualised approach. I trained at the Milton H Erickson Foundation which carries on his work.
I use hypnosis with most clients. But as an experienced hypnotherapist I can also use other techniques including Neurolinguistic Programing (NLP) and Eye Movement Therapies. My kind of hypnotherapy is not about me taking over your mind. It’s actually about me helping you to get more control over your own thoughts, feelings, and reactions.
Most clients notice some improvement following their first session, although it occasionally takes longer.
Science-based therapy
My kind of hypnotherapy is science-based where possible. If there’s a method that has strong scientific backing, or that I’ve used successfully before with many clients, then I will use that first. If that doesn’t help then I can more creative and innovative. In all cases my kind of hypnotherapy is based on a knowledge of first principles. It is tailored to your individual needs.
Who I work with
My kind of hypnotherapy has helped a very wide variety of people, from teenagers to people in their eighties, people of all races and religions and sexual preferences.

I have helped many people whom other therapists were unable to help. Especially those with a history of abusive and controlling relationships. I have treated a huge variety of clients. They come from different ethnic backgrounds, different religions and sexual orientations, and different walks of life. In other very successful therapists have come to me when they needed hypnotherapy themselves.
There’s a reason why I’ve often been able to help where other hypnotherapists have failed. I have far more experience than most hypnotherapists. Most hypnotherapists have only been in practice for a few years. You can see this from my own research HERE. I am probably the most experienced hypnotherapist in Devon. I’ve been a professional hypnotherapist for over 30 years, and a mental health professional for over 40 years.