
Other Phobias

During my 30 years as a hypnotherapist I’ve treated many less common phobias.

Every client is different, but all phobias have similarities.

Here’s a phobia I’ve not yet had the opportunity to treat, the fear of buttons!

This is a real phobia, though uncommon.

other phobias includes the fear of buttons
Other phobias includes the fear of buttons

And now other phobias which I have treated.

Stage fright

Fear of new foods (Another name for this selective eating disorder.

Although this is an eating disorder it is similar to a phobia and responds to similar therapy techniques.

This problem often affects people who are on the “autistic spectrum.”)

Dysmorphobia (This means an extreme dislike of one’s own appearance.

People with dysmorphobia see themselves as being extremely ugly and make great efforts to hide any trivial or imaginary defect in their appearance.

This is a complex condition but it does resemble a phobia in many ways).

Fear of swimming or diving

Intense sensitivity to noise

Fear of falling off a horse or bicycle.

Especially a problem with horses because unlike bicycles they have a mind of their own and can be “spooked.”

All phobias have the same underlying pattern and have similar causes.

I can treat them using much the same methods, although of course I tailor the therapy to each individual client.

The one phobia I prefer not to treat is dental phobia.

There are actually a good many dentists who have training and experience in hypnosis for this specific issue, so you are really best off seeing one of them.

The British Society for Clinical and Academic Hypnosis, to which I belong, includes many dentists.

Their website is HERE. It is much simpler to have the same person doing the hypnosis and doing the actual dental work, as they can then continually reinforce the hypnosis as they proceed.

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