The problems discussed in the separate articles above are only the most common conditions I have have treated.
Below I’ve listed some of the other problems which I’ve helped during my long career in hypnotherapy.
But of course, results will vary from person to person as with any therapy.
In my experience the difference between success and failure is mostly down to the client’s level of motivation, which is why no therapist or doctor can ever guarantee success.

Anger management.
But here therapy can only work if the client himself or herself accepts the need for change.
I can’t help if it’s just that someone else is demanding they get help.
Selective Eating Disorder.
This is where someone only eats a very small variety of foods.
This mostly affects people on the autistic spectrum.
Distorted Body Image.
This is where a strong well-built man looks in a mirror and sees a scrawny weakling.
A beautiful woman sees herself as ugly and deformed.
A slim person may feel they look obese, while a dangerously emaciated person may look normal in their own eyes.
Confidence Building on Returning to Work.
Returning to work after a break of months or years can feel like your first day in school.
Confidence Building after Trauma (such as criminal assault).
Fear and shame may persist for years after physical injuries have healed.
Fear of Surgery.
For example I saw a lady who was going to have a mastectomy operation.
This affected her self-confidence, body image, and relationships.
Other problems relating to secret habits
Psychosomatic Problems.
Tension Headaches and other problems caused by muscle tension.
Hypnotherapy for IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Chronic Pain.
Sometimes an injury, even an apparently minor one, can result in severe long-term pain and other symptoms.
This being despite having no visible injuries or deformities.
These symptoms may be resistant to medication even in large doses.
I’ve been able to help some clients with this problem, for example a person with Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome.
There can be no guarantees, because every case is different and the cause of this condition is unknown.
Whatever the problem, every client is different and needs an individualised approach tailored to their needs.
Click here to read more about how I do hypnotherapy.